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Social plastique pencil
128 x 128
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Available in 2 Sizes

Social plastique pencil
145 x 145
Social plastique pencil
128 x 128

More Icons from 'Plastique Social Icons'

All Icon Sets by Scott Lewis

Plastique Social Icons
Plastique Icons


Original Author: Alex Peattie [email protected]
Plastique Author: Scott Lewis [email protected]

These icons are based on the JustVector Social Icons 1.5 by Alex Peattie and are released under the original license.

License Info

The icons are distributed under the Free Art License, and as such can be copied, distributed, transformed and used as you please. If you enjoy the icons, a link back to and would certainly be appreciated. And if you use the icons on your site, feel free to let me know so I can link to you!

Note: the company logos in the icons are copyright of their respective owners.

I hope you find the files useful. If you would like to help support my work, you
can make a donation to my PayPal account - [email protected]

Thank You,
Scott Lewis, LLC

20 out of 2,250 icons related by tags: Social, Plastique, Pencil