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LicenseFree for commercial use (Readme.txt)
Icon SetHandycons 2
Available in 4 Sizes
More Icons from 'Handycons 2'
All Icon Sets by Janko
Four months after releasing Handycons icon set, I am happy to release Handycons 2 - icon set containing 20 more hand drawn icons. This time it is not limited just to socail media related icons. Package contains Facebook, Blinklist, Feedburner, Flickr, FriendFeed, Furl, Gmail, Google, Heart icon, Last FM, Linked IN, Magnolia, Newsvine, PayPal, Skype, Sphinn, Twitter, Vimeo, Yahoo and You Tube icons. All icons come in four sizes: 16x16, 32x32, 64x64 and 12x128px. And they are all free, of course :)
I want to thank everyone for the support and for suggestions regarding icons. Enjoy!
I want to thank everyone for the support and for suggestions regarding icons. Enjoy!